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HomeGMPHow to make an Old Pharmaceutical Plant look beautiful?

How to make an Old Pharmaceutical Plant look beautiful?

If you have an old factory made up of brakes plastered and painted, you can make it look beautiful by doing some easy things and increase the value of your factory a lot.

Paint Work

A pharmaceutical plant shall be painted in white colour. Extra paint from the door frames or view panels shall be removed. If there are any iron machines or Iron frames then they shall be painted with silver colour. Do not use gray colour on the walls or on the Machines because it makes the walls and machines look older. False ceiling Shall be painted white. If there are any open wires or pipelines running on the walls then they shall also be painted in white colour so that they match with the wall colour.

View panels

All the view panels shall be cleaned with glass cleaner and sparkling shined.

Name plates & ID No.

Provide nameplates on all the rooms. provide ID numbers to all the Machines. Provide ID number to supply grill and return grill, also ID number to drains. 

Electrical Switches

All the Electrical switches shall be cleaned with moist cloth or glass cleaner. All the open MCB’s shall be closed. Any electrical board which is open shall be closed. All MCB or Electrical Panel shall be given an identification number. Do not use ribbed plastic pipes to carry electrical wires because a lot of dust will be collected in ribs and which will be very hard to clean.

If you want to protect any electrical wire then use a plain Garden pipe. Fans, exhaust fans, tube lights shall be cleaned with moist cloth. Any gap between the electrical boards and wall shall be closed.Try to use white colour wires instead of black red or blue. If the MCB or electrical panels are rusted then they shall be painted in white colour.

Extra Material

Remove all the extra material from all the rooms. Dispose off all the scrap. Keep only relevant material in the rooms. Store all the material neatly on the racks or pallets. Provide identification slip on all the materials, drums, equipment, bins. Display standard operating procedure at the required places.

Utility Areas

Label all the machines, all the material like diesel, mobil oil, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid. Label all the switches, electrical panel &  MCB in the utility area. Do not store scrap in the utility area. Keep the utility area free from spider webs, spilled oil, and spilled caustic soda flakes etc.

Wash Rooms

Keep the wash rooms very neat and clean. Repair defective seat, dripping taps etc.



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