Abbott has introduced its latest pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, PneumoShield 14, designed for children aged six weeks and older. This PCV-14 valent vaccine offers extensive coverage by protecting against the greatest number of serotypes compared to the existing PCV-10 and PCV-13 variants.
A serotype is a distinct variant or subtype of a microorganism characterized by genetic or structural differences. The PCV-14 designation in Abbott’s PneumoShield 14 signifies its ability to guard against 14 specific strains of pneumococcal bacteria. Conjugate vaccines uniquely merge bacterial components with proteins to enhance effectiveness, bolstering the immune system’s capacity to detect and combat bacterial infections more efficiently. This results in stronger defenses against particular illnesses, critical for child health.
**Young children, particularly those under five, are vulnerable to pneumococcal diseases caused by bacterial infections.** These infections can lead to a spectrum of severe conditions like pneumonia, meningitis, and blood infections, collectively termed invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD). Vaccination serves as a precautionary measure against these ailments, offering protection and averting complications in young ones.
IPD presents a significant mortality challenge for children under five in India, accounting for 14% of child deaths in the country. As part of a national effort to lower childhood mortality rates, pneumococcal vaccines are integral to the government’s immunization initiative.
Compared to currently available vaccines, the PCV-14 variant offers protection against five more strains than PCV-10 and two additional strains over PCV-13, which are administered in private clinics and hospitals throughout India. The recommended schedule for administering the PneumoShield 14, through intramuscular injections, is set at 6, 10, and 14 weeks.
Swati Dalal, Managing Director of Abbott India, stated, “Children, especially those younger than two years, face a heightened risk from pneumococcal disease, which can impede their growth and development and lead to complications. This breakthrough extends protection against 14 circulating pneumococcal strains responsible for the majority of related diseases in India. Introducing this vaccine reflects our ongoing dedication to enhancing our pediatric portfolio, ensuring children enjoy better health.”