DGTR Evaluates PUC/PCN Approach in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Anti-dumping Probe

To establish a clear scope for the Product Under Consideration (PUC) and Product Control Numbers (PCN) approach, ensuring precise and transparent analysis, the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) is assessing the ongoing investigation into anti-dumping activities related to acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) imports from China, the European Union (EU), Korea, and Russia.

NBR, a synthetic rubber frequently utilized in the production of pharmaceutical gloves, can withstand temperatures ranging from -30° C to +120° C.

This assessment is focused on facilitating transparency and encouraging stakeholder participation in trade remedy examinations, which is crucial for determining if the concerned imports are causing harm to the local industry.

The DGTR launched an anti-dumping probe into the NBR imports following allegations by Apcotex Industries Limited, India’s sole NBR manufacturer, citing substantial harm resulting from dumped imports.

The applicant has provided initial evidence of dumping, demonstrating that NBR imports from the specified regions are priced considerably below the standard value. These low-priced imports have led to suppression and depression of prices, adversely affecting the domestic industry’s profitability.

The unfavorable impact on pricing and financial performance has been linked to the dumped imports. The dumping margin, gauged by comparing standard value with export prices (after adjusting for transportation and associated costs), has surpassed the minimal threshold, warranting further investigation.

Interested parties, including manufacturers, exporters, importers, and government officials, are encouraged to submit pertinent information.

The DGTR will evaluate submissions and evidence to determine whether implementing anti-dumping duties is necessary to safeguard the domestic industry. Updates on the investigation will be made available on the DGTR’s official website.

This probe highlights India’s dedication to fostering equitable trade practices and shielding its domestic industries from unfair trade imbalances.