Karnataka’s Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah, has demanded the suspension of the state drugs controller Umesh S DC and legal proceedings against West Bengal’s Paschim Banga Pharmaceutical Ltd. This pharma firm supplied defective Ringer’s lactate, contributing to four maternal deaths in Ballari district.
The state government has pledged a compensation amount of Rs. 2 lakh to the families of the four deceased pregnant women in Ballari. Additional reparation will be sought from the company responsible, to further aid the victims’ families.
The harmful Ringer’s lactate, a type of IV fluid essential for maintaining fluid balance and hydration, was provided by Paschim Banga Pharmaceutical. These supplies were distributed to the Karnataka State Medical Supplies Corporation Ltd. (KSMSCL).
During a press event, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah revealed that maternal fatalities had been recorded at Ballari District Hospital since November 11. From seven cases marked by severe complications such as dialysis, multiple organ failure, and acute kidney injury, four women tragically passed away.
To delve into such occurrences at hospitals across the state, an expert committee led by the development secretary has been initiated, proclaimed CM Siddaramaiah.
Among the remaining three affected patients, two have been released and are recuperating at the Ballari Medical College and Research Centre, formerly known as Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS). An initial assessment of the events prompted the formation of an expert panel for a thorough investigation, Siddaramaiah added.
All contaminated batches of Ringer’s lactate administered to the affected patients have been retracted, with samples from the Ballari District Hospital undergoing laboratory analysis, he mentioned.
A high-ranking committee under the development secretary will scrutinize similar deaths across the state. Furthermore, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah called for a proposal for the upcoming Cabinet meeting to revamp the drug procurement framework and the Drug Control Department, drawing inspiration from Tamil Nadu’s model.
Siddaramaiah emphasized the importance of implementing measures to prevent future tragedies. He further instructed that, upon receiving the lab results, those accountable for these incidents should be identified and appropriate action should be taken.