India’s beauty giant Nykaa has successfully secured a controlling interest in Earth Rhythm, a brand renowned for its clean skincare products. This strategic move comes not long after Nykaa’s initial partial investment made in 2022. Financial specifics of this latest deal remain undisclosed by the involved parties.
According to insights from a Business of Fashion report, Earth Rhythm is set to become part of Nykaa’s growing brand collection. Earth Rhythm’s founder and CEO, Harini Sivakumar, expressed enthusiasm about this development, emphasizing how the collaboration will enable Earth Rhythm to expand lucratively, leveraging Nykaa’s expertise in marketing, distribution, and influencer networking.
Adwaita Nayar, the Co-founder of Nykaa and the head of its Fashion and Beauty division, shared with Business of Fashion that this acquisition is a strategic effort to fortify Nykaa’s presence in the clean beauty segment – a sector they perceive to have vast long-term growth potential.