The Siddha community across Tamil Nadu is set to commemorate Siddha Day on December 19 with great fervor. This annual event marks the birth anniversary of Sage Agastia, revered as the progenitor of the Siddha medical tradition.
In Tamil Nadu, the festive activities are organized by the Central Council of Research in Siddha (CCRS) in partnership with the National Institute of Siddha (NIS) and various state-run Siddha medical colleges. Events will unfold at the Anna Centenary Library Hall in Kotturpuram, Chennai, as confirmed by Dr. N J Muthukumar, CCRS’s director-general.
Union Minister for Ayush, Prataprao Ganpatrao Jadhav, is slated to be the distinguished guest at the Siddha Day’s opening ceremony.
Speaking to Pharmabiz about the event, Dr. Muthukumar mentioned that the CCRS is hosting a week-long Siddha Expo at the library hall from December 14 to 19. This exhibition will feature products from all state Siddha drug producers. Faculty and students from the state’s two Government Siddha Medical Colleges, alongside those from the NIS and various private institutions, will partake in the occasion. Moreover, Siddha doctor associations, educators, students, and CCRS and NIS staff will also be in attendance.
Simultaneously, at the Birla Planetarium, the National Institute of Siddha will conduct varma therapy demonstrations. According to Dr. R Meenakumari, director of the NIS, these therapies will aid 555 individuals in Tamil Nadu, with varma therapy specialists showcasing their skills on the day.
Dr. M Kannan, head of the Indian Medical Practitioners Co-operative Pharmacy and Stores Limited (IMPCOPS), confirmed the society’s participation in the library hall exhibition. Siddha hospital doctors will also attend the celebration initiatives and conferences. Additionally, IMPCOPS plans to launch a new Siddha medicine on this occasion.
In Kerala, the Association of Siddha Medical Practitioners Kerala, helmed by Dr. Arun Baby from Wynadu, will arrange an event in a local village. The day will feature free health check-ups and the distribution of Siddha medications, focusing on a tribal region where Siddha practices are widely adopted.